How To Learn & Use The LAB Profile

What Is The LAB Profile?

The (Language And Behavior) LAB Profile is a linguistic interview, which causes the person being interviewed to reveal what motivates and influences themselves, as well as what they can do and cannot do, with knowing that is what they are revealing.

As they answer the LAB Profile questions, they reveal how their brain is functionally organized, so managers can recognize and understand how this person fits (or doesn’t fit) into the organization’s task responsibilities. This information is on a operational level, revealing the person’s functional capabilities and limitations. For instance, if the task is to build something, the person needs to be able to accept an outcome goal and do the work to complete that outcome.

The LAB Profile intertview reveals the person’s capabilities across 17 categories. For instance, one category is in what direction is this person motivated. For instandce, is the person motivated Toward or Away From achieving the outcome. A person which is motivated ‘Toward’ does the work to achieve the outcome, and the person who is motivated ‘Away From’ keeps finding and focusing on problems encountered in attempting to achieve the outcome, rather than working to achieve the outcome.

Managers use the LAB Profile to interview those workers who are successfully performing the task to identify the ‘standard’ set of capabilities which are needed to successfully perform the task. And then, the Manager or Recruiter interviews applicants for that task to find new employees who have those same successful ‘standard’ capabilities.

It turns out that those people who are ‘Away From’ tend to be better at quality assurance kinds of tasks, rather than production kinds of tasks.

How To Learn The LAB Profile

The LAB Profile is an online, video, self-study skill training program, which teaches Managers and Recruiters how to recognize the 54 precise capabilities across the 17 categories of the LAB Profile.

Rodger Bailey’s LAB Profile Training is online and you can sign up and complete this full-blown training program here:
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